For those versed in the sitcom Seinfeld, the next installment of my blog will deviate from my popular themes. It seems, like a lot has been going on, but not enough to warrant a blog post. Family, hobbies, work, movies and the economy are what they are. There have been some hiccups at home and I have a new toy on order, but everything is just kind of unfolding.
So this morning I was awoken at about 5:00 AM, by my daughter who has developed a tendency to burrow into whatever warm bodies she happens to be sleeping with. Usually this is my wife, but the last few nights it has been me. It is pretty weird to sleep with a 25 lb little girl. She is not very noise or motion sensitive, but tosses and turns quite a bit.
Unable to fall back to sleep, I decided it would be a pleasant morning for a run, which I did embark on. Fortunately there were no cold beverages, as warm Propel is easy on the stomach. I headed out and was quite pleased with the weather. I wore cotton shorts and a t-shirt and for some reason decided to wear a hat. I spotted 3 runners and 1 cyclist out at this hour. I did one pick up at an 8:00 min/mile pace but only lasted 0.15 miles, before I had to settle back down. I even started the pick-up on a slight downhill hoping to get a little extra distance.
Arriving home, I stretched, drank some more fluids and made my lunch for the day. I failed to do this last night arriving home late from the pool and then immersing myself into child care. I was only on the hook for bath time, which I have gotten down to a 10 minute affair. After making lunch, it is 6:30 AM and everybody is still asleep. I quietly take a shower and start getting dressed. My wife does wake up, but the girls are still down.
At this point, I start picking up the dining room table. There is some mail to go through and toys to put away. I have also had laundry drying on the chairs for the past two days.
Finally the girls are up and dressed and we head out. The drive was uneventful. Usually we sing songs, but Diya was still waking up and only wanted milk.
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