Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Proposal

This weekend, I had the opportunity to take in “The Proposal” with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds. The pair must get married plot so one can stay in the country has been done so many times, it borders on ridiculous. The lead actors are the salvation to this movie. Sandra Bullock has done great with romantic comedies during the past several years. Ryan Reynolds finally breaks out of the National Lampoon style roles to have some thought provoking conflict and meaningful acting. Don’t get me wrong, he’s not getting an Oscar nomination, but it is a step up from “Van Wilder” and “Waiting.”

There is some great physical comedy, my favorite being a scene with Sandra Bullock dancing and singing to Lil’ John’s “Get Low” during an Inuit Eskimo ritual.

The balance of heartwarming scenes to funny scenes is about right, but don’t expect any message beyond not judging a book by its cover. Rent it if you enjoy romantic comedies, otherwise just wait for it to show up on television. I expect the network premier by October 2010.

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