Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Halloween 2009 is only 4 days away and my wife is leading the charge to make sure it is a festive occasion. My girls both have costumes, but I don’t think they realize why. The 8 month old certainly has no idea why she has to wear something on her head. The 2 year old is more excited and knows that she will be getting dressed up. My wife’s office hosts a party so it will be fun for them to all go dressed up. My office is decorated as well and I do feel somewhat obligated to dress up. The driving theme for me is something that is easy to remove in order to return to business casual attire. Last year I made due with a simple mask. I don’t see this year being much more glamorous.

Growing up I remember there was excitement among the neighborhood kids and we would all go trick-or-treating as a group. This was typically in the cheap plastic costumes which worked well enough and was the norm among my friends. There were a couple of occasions when my Mom sewed costumes.

As I got older the time came for Halloween parties. The range of costumes in this era was pretty broad and went from “What are you supposed to be?” to “Wow, you put a lot of time into that.” At any rate it was an excuse to get together and have some fun. I don’t recall costumes being as revealing as Halloween costume stores today would have you believe. I had two primary costumes which were medical scrubs and a disco outfit.

Now it is a fun game to set the over under on how many kids will show up at our house. The 2 year old will certainly enjoy handing out candy for as long as she is awake. Maybe I will take in a horror movie. I have been interested in watching “Rosemary’s Baby” for quite some time.

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