Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Today I participated in the National Employee Health and Fitness Day 5K sponsored by Oracle at their Broomfield, Colorado campus.  It was a very well run event and was very well attended with around 140 runners and walkers.

26:22 (5/16/2012) average HR = 171
26:48 (5/18/2011) average HR = 175
31:29 (5/19/2010) average HR = 164

I have definitely stepped up my fitness since last year.  I ran faster with a lower effort as judged by average heart rate.  Surprisingly my weight is nearly identical to last year.  I weighed in this morning at 180.5 pounds.  Last year according to my records I weighed 181.0 pounds.

The course has one particularly steep hill during mile 2.  However my splits were remarkably similar to last year.  I made up the most ground going out faster during mile 1.

I really enjoy running and would still like to focus on the 5K distance.  Last year I was shooting for a 25 minute 5K that never materialized.  On a flat course, I still think that is possible during 2012.

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