Swim: 100 Miles (81
hours, 2:47/100 yards)
Bike: 1,445 Miles (113
hours, 12.8 mph)
Run: 417 Miles (74
hours, 10:38/mile)
Weight: 182.5 Start,
185.0 End, 191.5 Max (September 2014), 179.0 Min (January 2014, June 2014)
Swim: Down 15% from
2013. Continued to swim with Dag.
Bike: Up 26% from
2013. Really padded my mileage by
getting on TrainerRoad and setting up the trainer indoors.
Run: Down 5% from
2013. Was a 3W ambassador again, but did
not get to race much.
43 hours of strength training for the year.
Overall it was a more balanced year. I shoot for 100 hours swimming, 1200 miles
biking and 500 miles running. I only
came up short on the running.
In 2015, I may keep the trainer set up all year. I would like to give cross fit a try, but
otherwise plan to stick to what works.
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