Thursday, November 28, 2024

Christmas Shopping for Myself

It is always tough to shop for my wife and the children.  Shopping for myself is surprisingly easy, especially when Black Friday deals abound.

English Bridle Belt - Belt Fed Strength
Leather belt - Rogue Fitness (5 items ship free)
OSO Axle Collars - Rogue Fitness
Mini Bands - Rogue Fitness
Wrist Wraps - Rogue Fitness
Wrist Wraps - Rogue Fitness
AtomiGripz (2) - Ben Helms
Carhartt Jacket - CDOT Store
Round Grip String Bar - Titan Fitness
Apollon's Axle - Jason Wood
Barrel Strength Systems Grip Package - Jason Wood
Wall Mount Ab Amigo - AbMat

Some items had been on my list for a while and I pulled the trigger due to a sale.  Others were opportunistic purchases due to deals on Facebook Marketplace.

Potential Gifts for Family:

Nisha - Robe, ski poles

Diya - CriCut Explore Air 2 (machine $149, bundle $289)

Ratna - ??

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