My current employer’s benefits package includes Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a holiday. This is a nice treat after a couple of weeks work to start the quarter. This year it also preceded inauguration day. I will have to check with my wife to see if that is a coincidence or regular occurrence.
For me the break was even more welcome after a travel weekend on the 3rd/4th and a babysitting weekend on the 10th/11th. I indulged in poker, television and sunshine. I also managed to get a few errands done so it was not entirely a lost weekend.
I did not watch the inauguration live, but I did enjoy reading the speech and look forward to watching the actual speech on Tivo later on this week. I continue to be impressed by Barack’s speeches and am curious to know if he still writes his own. At any rate, he is an excellent orator.
The weekend also allowed for some serious rest and recuperation for my knee which has been on tilt for a week. Having an altered gait has resulted in secondary aches and pains which I hope to get under control so that I can start training again soon for my sprint triathlon in June. My target to start running again is March. Until then I hope to build a cardiovascular base with swimming and bicycling. I also hope to get some strength training in the second half of the year to energize my tendons which seem increasingly prone to injury.
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