I have posted before on the sorry state of performance of my Inspiron 8600. This 7.3 lb behemoth boasts a whopping 512MB of RAM along with a 40GB hard drive. While it is primarily an internet portal, I do upload data from fitness devices (USB) and rip/burn music occasionally. Our dining room table is currently acting as a home office so I do make a point of setting up and breaking down my laptop at least twice a week to maintain some level of un-clutter. The slow start up time and tedious web browsing speeds have become too much to bear.
I have primarily shopping for a new Inspiron. I have found models in the $500 price range that would provide a 2.2GB processor, 3GB RAM, 160GB hard drive, HDMI output and DVD burner all in a 5 lb package. However, I have been intrigued by the Mini that would meet my current needs with a 1.6GB processor, 1GB RAM and 160GB hard drive. I would essentially be doubling me speeds and cutting the system weight by 66%. I would also be saving $200 as the Mini cost $299.
System needs: (1) check e-mail, (2) internet, (3) Garmin/Powertap, (4) Ipod, (5) spreadsheet/word processing. System wants: (6) DVD production, (7) full Microsoft office suite
The question I ask myself is how important is the portability. Right now it is not important as I don’t travel and will not transport the device on a daily basis. My larger concern is actually the zoo of peripherals that I find myself using. I load my workout data onto my computer on a regular basis and about once/month I will manage data on my Ipod. Periodically I will also find myself scanning documents in an effort to shrink my vast amount of paperwork.
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