Thursday, November 11, 2010


It is starting to feel more and more like the offseason. The days are shorter and the mercury is dropping. Winter also brings parties and illness, both of which have a negative impact on training schedules. Fortunately I have the luxury of having a pool close to my house, my trainer permanently set up in the basement and a treadmill at work and also at a gym close to home. I also have the family support to allow occasional evening workouts.

I have enjoyed my swim workouts quite a bit as the offseason has allowed me to explore non-freestyle strokes. I actually feel comfortable with breaststroke. My backstroke is stagnant. The past two weeks I have even worked on butterfly drills.

I have been strength training as well. Part of that is general fitness, but I am hoping it also translates into cycling power. My trainer sessions have been pretty week and I have not been matching my power output on the roads.

I feel really good about my treadmill workouts in terms of HR, but I am not sure about speed. The 1-2% steady incline is not a replacement for outdoor terrain.

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