Friday, October 28, 2011

The Play Area

McDonald’s has cornered a brilliant market in having a dedicated play area for Children.  Chick-Fil-A and malls also have play areas, but they are not as convenient.  In the winter time, I feel compelled to provide my children some play time. 

We don’t have a dedicated gymnastics room in the house.  I am not ready to drop $1000 for gym pads and bars unless they show potential as Olympic hopefuls.  However, my children are pretty creative with couches and crib mattresses.

As a result the past two Thursdays we have been venturing out to the McDonald’s play are.  For the price of a couple of happy meals, they play with other kids, get some exercise and are in a relatively safe environment.  It is contained and I can keep an eye on them while reading a book.

Long term, I will probably enroll them in a structured class.  They already do Dance on Tuesday night and we will most likely add gymnastics on Thursday nights.  In the meantime, McDonald’s has gained some customers.

I do applaud the chain for improving the menu.  In addition to the favorites which are often high in fat and sodium, McDonald’s also offers salads and grilled items.  Even the happy meal is available with juice and apple slices which are a big improvement over soft drinks and French fries for individuals with special dietary needs.

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