I had an interesting discussion last night on personal
finance. Kind of like Maslow’s Hierarchy
of Needs, personal finance needs evolve based on where one is at. At the most basic, income needs to cover
shelter, food and clothing (usually in that order). Once that is achieved, a safety net needs to
be in place with ideally an emergency fund or at least credit available to
cover any lapse in income. Next, savings
for short term expenditures like a car, house down payment or children’s
education. Long term expenditures are
usually next and will include a secure retirement that does not depend on
government assistance. The highest level
would include leaving some kind of estate or endowment after one is gone from
this earth. Very few of us get
comfortably into level 4, so level 5 is pretty far out there.
Personal financial discipline is required for any
state. A person should have a budget
that is preferably written down and tracked against regularly. The best way to save money is to not spend
it. A rule of thumb for households is to
save 10% of take home income. My Father
espoused saving over 25% of take home income.
Living frugally is the key to long term economic happiness.
Debt is expensive.
Payday loans will cost an individual upwards of 1000% interest. Credit card balances can be 20%
interest. Student loan interest rates
are 6.8%. Car loans 6% interest. Mortgage rates while low (and tax deductible)
are still 3% interest. Get out of debt. No investment can absolutely guarantee you 3%
Once you are out of debt and have emergency cash on hand,
congratulate yourself. You are ahead of
75% of Americans. Now the key is to not be
stupid with investments. Don’t invest in
your friend’s frozen yogurt stand or real estate lots that you have never seen.
If you want to own a home great, buy a home, but keep in mind maintenance
costs, property taxes and the lack of liquidity. The big dividend of a house is that you can
live in it. The balance of the article will address those individuals in level 3/4.
If you pursue financial assets there are three basic
classes: equities, bonds and
commodities. I excluded currencies as
that is beyond my scope. All assets
provide return for risk. Bonds are less
risky and provide lower returns. Stocks
are more risky and provide higher returns.
Small companies are more risky than large companies. Therefore large companies provide lower
One can invest in stocks through index funds, mutual funds,
individual stocks and derivatives (options).
Index funds are diversified and usually very low cost (less than
0.5%). Mutual funds can be more
expensive and you have a management fee to pick the right stocks (should be
less than 2%). Individual stocks can be
the cheapest with the cost being the buy/sell transaction fee of less than $20
total. Derivatives are tough and you
really need to know what you are doing.
Investing internationally is tough and most often done
through an index fund. One can buy stock
in individual companies, but currency fluctuations make this a challenging
One can invest in bonds through individual purchases of
corporate, treasury and municipal bonds.
One could also invest in a bond fund.
Bond funds go up when interest rates go down. Bond funds go down when interest rates go
up. With interest rates at historic
lows, bond exposure is risky. Corporate
and municipal bonds are hard to buy and hard to sell if you don’t hold them to
maturity. Municipal bonds have the
benefit that interest is not taxed. Treasury
bonds are easy to buy through treasury.gov, but must be held to maturity.
Commodities are unique in that the prices are dictated by
hedgers (farmers, airlines) and speculators.
The prices are driven by macroeconomic indicators. For example worldwide economic growth will
drive up oil prices. The prices are also
driven by shocks to supply or demand. A
military conflict disrupting oil prices will drive prices up. It is difficult to invest in commodities.
Finally hedge funds have been in the news. Hedge funds are for investors that have over
$5 million in financial assets and are typically willing to put $500K to $1M
with a hedge fund for investment. Hedge
funds use any number of strategies to beat the market returns and charge 2% of
assets under management and 20% of returns for the privilege to invest with
them. This is a tall order and should
only be considered by those with risk fortitude. Not all hedge funds beat the market returns
every year.
Once you have $100,000 in financial assets, it is probably
time to have a financial advisor. Ask
for references, how they are compensated, and make sure you like them. Finding a financial advisor is like finding a
doctor or dentist. They may all get the
job done, but they are not all the same.
Somewhere in the mix, you need insurance and an accountant. I never liked doing my own taxes and for less
than $500/year my accountant provides financial advice through the year and
does my taxes. Medical emergencies and
lawsuits are the biggest reasons families that are otherwise well off go
bankrupt. There is not much you can do
about medical emergencies. Have good health
insurance and pray that you or a loved one is not stricken by illness. You can do something about lawsuits. Have auto insurance with limits in line with
your assets. Have homeowners insurance
with limits in line with your assets.
Have professional liability insurance if appropriate. If you have over $1M in assets, have an
umbrella policy for anything not covered by auto and homeowners insurance. Yes it is expensive, but it is worth it. If you have dependents, you need life
Divorce is not cheap either.
Protect your assets with a pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreement no
matter how much you love your partner.
These can always be amended as circumstances change. Very few people make good decisions during
emotional times like during a divorce.
If you have significant assets, have a will. I would not trust the state with very
much. A will, like a post-nup, can be
amended and should be reviewed on a regular basis.
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