Friday, April 04, 2014

Corporate Fitness Class

As I got a full dose of what group fitness class could be last week, I decided to look into group classes offered by the fitness center where I work.  I attended a class called cardio trio.  There were probably 20 people in the class (given the facility, it felt crowded).  All of them seemed to regulars and I was the newcomer.  The class started reasonably enough with an eighth of a mile jog around the courtyard followed by a sequence of routines indoors.  These routines included shuffling/jumps, ice skaters/jumping jacks, high knees/jumps, burpees/jump rotations, mountain climbers, lunges/jumps, and several others.  These appeared to be in sets of 2 x 1 minute with 30 seconds rest.

Then the workout really started with series of stair climbs for either 1 minute or 2 minutes again with rest intervals after 2 sets.  The toughest one was hopping up the stairs.

Finally we ended with cardio equipment of choice (treadmill, elliptical, or bike) for 3 sets of 1 minute EZ, 2 minutes moderate, and 1 minute hard.  I selected the bike because I thought it would be easier.  It was tough, but probably still easier than a treadmill.  The entire workout was 45 minutes.

Overall, I definitely got a good workout and was more motivated than I typically am working out on my own.  I did not “keep up” with the class and was doing fewer repetitions or being overtaken while on the stair exercises.  I am still struggling with working out to be better at working out.  It is easier to wrap my head around sport specific training.

I would definitely go back.  The price is right (included as part of my benefits package), the class is well organized and it meets my expectation of changing things up and developing some explosive power.

I still want to check out some cross fit studios and will make time to do that in the coming weeks.

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