My workplace recently had a pretty fun fitness
challenge. The staff does a great job of
changing things up and providing different themes to encourage physical
activities. I certainly applaud this,
but I have never been a big fan of tracking hours to win prizes. However this latest challenge was different.
Pull-ups, 1 rep max bench, 1 rep max squat, 1 mile run and
number of crunches in 2 minutes. The
technical aspects were loose and participants were not matched
head-to-head. Simply any time during the
month of September you would post your performance and people could try the
activities as often as they wanted. I
was amazed at some of the performances.
The pull-up mark was close to 20.
Max bench and squat were both over 300 pounds. The crunches were approaching 100. I was expecting someone to turn in a sub 5
minute mile, but for the last bunch of corporate athletes, the best time was
around 5:30.
I was really pleased with my own performance (7 pull-ups,
205 pound bench, 205 pound squat, 7:35 mile, and 53 crunches). I tried a couple of times to improve my bench
but could not. In terms of pull-ups and
crunches, I would have a hard time repeating the marks I set. Whether or not the challenge is hosted next
year, I intend to revisit these benchmarks next fall.
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