Saturday, June 15, 2024

Girls State Colorado 2024

My daughter had the opportunity to attend Girls State and really enjoyed herself.  The week was hosted at Northeastern Junior College in Sterling, Colorado.  It was a bit of a drive to get her there and back, but it was very well supported.

Girls State is sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary and is an empowering way for girls to work together to learn leadership and working together towards common goals.  A "state government" is set up with State positions, three counties and nine cities.  Girls run for different roles and work together to create bills that have to get through committee and then get voted on.

Diya was elected county coroner, but her bill on mandating all new school buildings utilize some solar died in committee.  Another bill required drivers 60 and over to take a written and road test every 5 years to keep their license.  That bill was signed by the governor.

91 girls were in attendance and it seemed like attendees to staff was 2:1 with junior counselors, counselors and other leaders.

It was also an adventure in living in dorms with a roommate and people you don't know.  Diya was the only one attending from D'Evelyn.  One school in Colorado sent 11 girls to the event.  They tended to dominate and vote as a block.

All in all, she described it as a positive experience in getting to know girls with different backgrounds and value systems.  She at times felt out of place and at times fit in.  Girls could get testy and make things personal, but it was overall cordial.  There was an open forum everyday which allowed for anybody to talk about controversial political issues.

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