Hopefully everybody had a fun filled Memorial Day weekend. On the Front Range the weather was terrific Saturday and Sunday, but turned overcast on Monday. My weekend started with a mini-poker bender to take my mind off of party planning. All day Saturday was spent cleaning and picking up last minute items for the birthday party we were hosting. The party itself went pretty smoothly as we did not run out of food or drink and people seemed to have a fun time. Saturday night I had the opportunity to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull which was entertaining and reinforced how far special effects have come in 20 years.
Sunday was a low key day as people tried to sleep in and leftovers were grazed over throughout the day. We took some family portraits and trolled the local mall. Fortunately we could BBQ as my brother-in-law is quite the grill master. Finally we had a chance to watch The Great Debaters, which was well acted and had a pretty good story line. All in all, the move was only mildly entertaining.
Monday was the Bolder Boulder and I was thrilled to finish under 60 minutes. While the accomplishment was not spectacular compared to other runners or my previous times, it feels like an impetus to return to endurance sports. The weather was excellent and I was able to keep a pretty steady pace throughout the course. Monday was also the day for family to start leaving town. Our 2000 square foot home was host to 8 adults and 3 children Saturday and Sunday. By Monday night that number had dropped to 5 adults and 2 children. This morning that number dropped to 4 adults and 1 child.
The “hangover” I refer to is the lingering exhaustion of overdoing it with the excitement of having friends and family about. Kind of like a trip to Las Vegas one foregoes sleep and indulges in a variety of foods and activities that shocks the body. It is always fun, but only in small doses.
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