Last year I received an Arduino starter kit for
Christmas. The kit included an Arduino
Uno microcontroller and a host of LEDs, resistors, pre cut wires and other
components. The first couple of weeks with the kit, I had a lot of fun going
through the first several projects. Then
life and reality set in and I was not making the time to go through the
This summer my interest was renewed when I had the
opportunity to help develop a tester at work that was built on an Arduino Mega
microcontroller. This was a very simple
project as the circuit was already designed and I merely had to clean up the
sketch. However the project did inspire
me to dust off my kit and finish walking through the projects. As of today, I have finished 11 of 14
projects and I can honestly say this is a really cool toy.
The kit was $110, but it truly has everything to get you
started. The instructions are easy to
follow and the code is very straightforward.
I don’t think it would be suitable for children under 10, but after that
anybody can really improve their understanding of electronics, circuits and
programming without having to know how to solder or assemble a host of
components piecemeal. However good
eyesight or a magnifying glass is required as it is kind of tricky to
read some of those small components.
Also since the starter kit was quite popular, anytime I got
stuck, I could find a youtube video or thread on troubleshooting my circuit
and/or code.
I look forward to passing it on to my daughters as they
really enjoy the snap circuits kit we have.
In the interim, I plan on buying a Littlebits starter kit as that should
be age appropriate for theme now.
Personally, I may look for other kits and project books to
build on the skills I have developed over the course of this year.
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