Monday, April 13, 2015

Skate City and SuperKids Expo

We were at Skate City back in March for the communityfundraiser.  As both of my girls were struggling, I decided to sign them up for lessons.  The package is reasonably priced at $30 for five 45 minute lessons which includes 2 hours of open skate.  There were 3 instructors and probably 30-35 kids participating.

They broke the kids up into two groups with some skating on the carpet and some skating on the floor.  They started them marching first, then marching with toes pointed out, and showed them how to stop by dragging a toe behind them.  There was no hand holding or holding of walls.

Both of the girls had a good time and were more confident on roller skates.  They both wanted to stay for open skate and had a lot of fun with it.  We will see how the next four weeks unfold.

Next we went over to the Flatiron’s Mall for the Superkids Expo.  This is designed for people trying to put together summer camp and school schedules, but for us it was more about doing crafts and getting swag.  A couple of new booths caught my eye including private at home programming lessons.

My first born in the robot costume from Story Telling Camp

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